第一期||英语说贵州非遗 学子传中华文化

作者: 时间:2023-04-08 点击数:




Dong Grand Choirs





Dong Grand Choirs, it is a kind of folk choral form of multi-voice, non-conducting, non-accompaniment and natural chorus in the Dong people’s area of China. Originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Kam Grand Choirs has a history of more than 2500 years. Dong Grand Choirs is different from the general folk songs in terms of its temperament structure, singing skills, singing methods and singing occasions. It is a kind of chorus that leads the chorus and divides the high and low parts into harmonic singing. It belongs to the folk polyphony songs. Dong Grand Choirs is not only a kind of music art form, but also plays a very important role in the inheritance and cohesion of the culture and spirit of the Dong people, which is a direct reflection of the Dong culture.





Originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Dong Grand Choirs has a history of more than 2,500 years. It is a form of folk chorus with multiple voices, non-conducting, non-accompaniment and natural chorus in the Dong areas of China. "Rice nourishes the body, song nourishes the heart" is a saying that Dong people often say. The Dong people never had their own manuscripts and did not have a writing system until 1958. Before that, Dong culture, history and stories were all recorded in the form of songs. Therefore, although the Dong culture has experienced ups and downs in history, it is well preserved and gradually attracts the attention of the world.





Grand Choirs - It is called嘎(Ga)老(Lao) in Dong language, "Ga" is the song, and "Lao" means being grand and ancient. The main singing mode of Dong Grand Choirs is polyphonic multipart chorus with "all low-pitch but one high". The Dong Grand Choirs requires a singing class of at least three people, each consisting of at least one leader, one treble and several bass.





The main characteristics of Dong Grand Choirs are the absence of multi-voices, conductors and accompaniment. Its main content is to sing about nature, labor, love and friendship, which showcases both the interpersonal harmony and that with nature. Therefore, in Dong villages where Grand Choirs is popular, fighting, swearing, stealing and other behaviors rarely occur. People even "never close their doors at night, and no one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road ", just like the land of idyllic beauty illustrated by the Chinese poet Tao Yuanming.








1994年春节文艺晚会和2001年的春节文艺晚会,黎平县侗族大歌队演唱的《蝉之歌》、《布谷催春》等侗族民间的歌曲,从而使黎平县这朵藏在深山里的民间艺术奇葩,名扬海内外。As one of the ethnic minorities in China, the Dong people are said to be the descendants of the ancient Yue people, witnessing a history of more than 2500 years.

In October 1959, the Dong Folk Choir of Liping County went to Beijing to perform, which broke the long-term isolation of Dong Grand Choirs from the outside world and were welcomed with strong repercussions.

On October 3, 1986, the Dong chorus went abroad for the first time to Paris, France, to participate in the Festival d'automne à Paris.

In June 1988, the Golden Cicada Singing Team of Rongjiang County, Guizhou Province, was invited to join the Chinese Children's Art Troupe in performing the Dong Children's Songs at the 10th Anniversary of the French Peace Children's Day and Nantes Mass Art Festival, bringing home the first prize.

Dong folk songs such as "Cicada's Song" and “Cuckoos Usher Spring In” performed by Dong Chorus of Liping in the CCTV Spring Festival Galas in both 1994 and 2001 publicized Liping --the wonderful work of art hidden in the mountainous region of Guizhou to the international arena.







Although with a history of more than 2000 years, it was not until the Agrarian Revolution period after National Liberation that the older generation of musicians discovered the amazing Dong Grand Choirs. Musicians were dispatched to the mountainous Dong areas to collect, record and file the pieces of the Grand Choirs. Because of the prominent value of human talents in music creation, the Dong Grand Choirs was selected by the first batch of Representative List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage and a candidate for Representative List of Oral and Intangible Culture Heritage List” in China in 2005.

In 2009, Dong Grand Choirs of Guizhou Province was included in the United Nations Representative List of Human Intangible Cultural Heritage. The jury of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage considered the Grand Choirs as "the voice of a nation and a culture of mankind". Successful application for world heritage status undoubtedly injects new hope into the Grand Choirs which was once on the verge of extinction, so that the Grand Choirs can be better protected and inherited by future generations.








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