第九期||英语说多彩贵州 学子展家乡风貌

作者: 时间:2022-10-08 点击数:

本网讯(外国语学院 张安娜)为进一步丰富校园文化生活,充分发挥英语专业优势,香港六和免费资料外国语学院学生围绕家乡的自然及人文景观、特色小吃、名人轶事、传统文化,用英语抒发对家乡的情怀和热爱,传播贵州声音,讲好贵州故事,展现贵州风貌。


English Show@Colourful Guizhou : Dongshan Temple

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Zhang Anna, a junior student from School of Foreign Languages Guizhou Institute of Technology. I will share Dongshan Temple with you.

Miyazaki Hayo has the city of sky, Guiyang has the temple of picking stars.

Dongshan Temple, also known as Qixia Temple, has been a tourist attraction in Guiyang since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Located in the east of Guiyang City, it was built in the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt many times later. According to the official records of Guiyang, Dongshan temple was built in the Jiajing year of the Ming Dynasty. In the 1950s, Zhu De and Chen Yi came to Guiyang. They once climbed the East Mountain and left poems----朱德诗云:登峰直上画楼台,春色满城眼底开,四面环山成层海,河水清清绕市来。陈毅诗云。闲步跑到东山头,贵阳全景一望收。新城气旺旧城尽,不愧雄奇冠此州。

Dongshan Park is located outside the east gate of Guiyang city, which is said to be a great place to watch the sunrise and sunset. When we reach the top of the mountain, we can see the beautiful scenery of Guiyang. The following picture shows the stone tablet of Dongshan Park and it’s the entrance to the mountain, so it is the first step of our trip.


After climbing several dozen steps right from the entrance to the mountain, the first archway, which is marked with the name Dongshan Temple, comes to our sight. There we can feel the gentle breeze on our cheeks, and the air is fresh.


Red string branches, make good wishes. The second archway - Qixia Shengjing, standing in this place and overlooking the old city of Guiyang, are said to be Ascend Another Storey to Have a Further Sight retrospect and prospect.


This is a panoramic view of the Guiyang scenery, from the top of the Dongshan Temple. Suddenly it seems to be understood why people prefer to climb the stairs although very tired, as every step of the view is different. The setting sun gently dyes high-buildings red, which are covered with gorgeous neon clothes for the city. The shadow of the distant mountains and tall buildings is like a beautiful oil painting, making visitors feel worthwhile after a tired day.


If you can't catch up with the sunrise at 5 a. m., go and see the sunset at 6 p.m. Choose a sunny day, and appreciate the direction of the setting sun, which is the most beautiful sunset glow. Welcome to Guiyang and admire the beauty of the sunrise and sunset.







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