第六期|| 英语说多彩贵州 学子展家乡风貌

作者: 时间:2022-06-26 点击数:

本网讯(外国语学院 王璐璐)为进一步丰富校园文化生活,充分发挥英语专业优势,香港六和免费资料外国语学院学生围绕家乡的自然及人文景观、特色小吃、名人轶事、传统文化,用英语抒发对家乡的情怀和热爱,传播贵州声音,讲好贵州故事,展现贵州风采。


English Show@Colourful Guizhou: Shuanghe Karst Cave


Hello, everyone. My name is Wang Lulu, from school of foreign languages. Today, on the topic of "Presenting Compelling Guizhou Stories", I would like to share with you one of the splendors in my hometown -- Shuanghe Karst Cave.



To start with, I will brief you on the Cave. Shuanghe Karst Cave National Geological Park is located in Suiyang County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, covering an area of 318.6 square kilometers. By 2019, the discovered part of Shuanghe Karst Cave had reached to 257 kilometers in length, the longest ever explored in Asia though the exact length remains to be discovered. The typical sights of Shuanghe Cave are the Underground Fissure(地下裂缝), Double River Valley(双河谷) and Gypsum Crystal Flower Cave(晶花洞).





The vertical variation of topography in Shuanghe Karst Cave is drastically observed, presenting significant relative height difference. Most of the area is karst peak-cluster depression and peak-cluster valley, forming dual three-dimensional geomorphic forms such as caves, blind valleys, skylights, underground rivers, shafts and Tiankeng.





The complexity of geological structure of Shuanghe Karst Cave is manifested in the coexistence of water tunnels and dry valleys, in the distinctive height difference of over 550 meters and in the enriched composition featuring 4 layers, 8 main caves, 200 plus branch caves, 5 subterranean streams and 34 entrances. The lithology is mainly carbonate rock and crushed nitrate rock, among which carbonate rocks are most widely distributed. The caves have early Paleozoic Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Late Paleozoic Permian, Mesozoic Early Triassic and Cenozoic Quaternary strata.



The climate in the region falls in the category of the subtropical humid monsoon climate, with a constant temperature of 13-15 degrees Celsius and humidity of 85-98%. The ecological environment in the Shuanghe Karst Cave area is excellent, and the forest coverage rate is more than 60% with primary forests and secondary forests.



The mystery of Shuanghe Karst Cave was initially unveiled with the preliminary expeditions conducted by a group of experts in 1987. Besides the giant panda fossils found in the cave, a previously unknown red scorpion was also spotted in the cave, a possible lead to a new cave species.







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