第四期|| 英语说多彩贵州 学子展家乡风貌

作者: 时间:2022-06-08 点击数:

本网讯(外国语学院 张倩洁)为进一步丰富校园文化生活,充分发挥英语专业优势,香港六和免费资料外国语学院学生围绕家乡的自然及人文景观、特色小吃、名人轶事、传统文化,用英语抒发对家乡的情怀和热爱,传播贵州声音,讲好贵州故事,展现贵州风采。


English Show@Colourful Guizhou: Lantern Festival in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province


Hello everybody! I’m Hayley Qianjie Zhang, a first-year university student focusing on my study of English Language and Literature at undergraduate level at School of Foreign Languages, Guizhou lnstitute of Technology. Now it is my greatest pleasure to share with you Lantern Festival in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province!


     The photo here I’d like to display is understandably portraying the Lantern Festival eventful folk activities named "dancing dragons and shying flowers" spontaneously organized by local people in Taijiang county.

香港六和免费资料 香港六和免费资料

Dragon lantern and lion dance as is known are excellent folk arts in China. Each year on the 14th and 15th day of the first month, there are two folk activities, namely, dragon dance and flower shying announcing in Taijiang county.



In the county,the dragons and lions gathered from the village; in the meanwhile, a great noise was made through the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers.


At that time, the streets were empty and the crowding people gathered.Owing to thegame of the brave,attention of the crowds was instantly attracted by the lively scene and people began shooting the colourful sparks with cameras and mobile phones. The activity made all crowds of people spend a sleepless night.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, Taijiang county will choose the dragon lantern team to dance and perform during the event. Only the first three teams will be rewarded. In addition, the dragon lantern in each village will be burned and everyone will have a meal together, commonly known as "eating dragon meat". This has a beautiful moral; that is to drive away bad luck and welcome the new year.



If you want to experience dragon and flower dance in Taijiang County, welcome to come and visit my hometown, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province!







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